
Friday, December 2, 2016

Day One at a New School!

I started a new position at a different elementary school. If you don't know I've been volunteering at one elementary school for about 4 to 5 years. I was helping where there was a need. So when I got the opportunity to get a paid position I jumped! Leaving my comfort zone. 

I got to new elementary school with a huge kool-aid smile ready to work! I went to the office and told the office manager "I'm reporting for duty." From there, my day started. I looked through the curriculum and got familiarized with some of my duties. Get this, it is the SAME thing I was doing at the old school. Helping where there is a need! I know  I will miss my friends who helped me to the place I am now! You will always have a place in my heart!

I thank God for allowing me to get this position and I thank Him for the people who started that process to get me the position ( I love you sister! You know who you are!). God has blessed me and I thank Him everyday! I went from volunteering for free to working and getting paid! WON'T HE DO IT!

Disclaimer: to save the identities of the parties mentioned,  no names are stated.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The disconnect

I love when God shows you things and explains things to you! For example, my whole church went on a week long fast from midnight to noon. As I was praying for my church, I was going through my own situations. I kept asking myself... "Why are relationship with my friends more important to me than to those friends? Why do I have to hound them to hang out? Why don't I get invited? Why do I see everyone else having fun together on social media while I'm at home watching  Netflix? It would be nice to get a invite or a "how are you" text or even a phone call back. Is it my chair?" *Disclaimer: not all friendships, just a few of them!*
But God made it very clear. I was of the world when those friendships were at their best but now that I don't drink, smoke, party, etc., and I put God and my salvation first, there is no room for those people in my life. So I will stop trying to force that  connection we had in the past. I will always love and cherish what we had but I need to move on and keep walking with my Lord and Savior! You are welcome to come with me but I can't turn back like Lot's wife. No pillar of salt for me! The past is the past for a reason. I need to stop and think of what is more important. My old friends that can lead me back to my old ways or my salvation and relationship with my God! I think that is a no-brainer! JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

When you have no control, give it to God!

This has been a tough week and it's only Wednesday! My relationship with certain people are shifting and I have no control over any of it. I'm completely lost in limbo. BUT I REFUSE TO LET THE DEVIL RUIN ANYTHING THAT GIVES ME JOY! So I will let God handle those relationships and I will see the good in every situation I am put through! My smile will remain on my face as I conquer this mountain!
I will pray even harder for those relationships! I will not stop loving them and I will not talk ill about them. But I will not stoop low and fight about it. The devil wants to steal blessings, kill relationships, and destroy salvation. He will not be successful! I declare, right now, during my situation and heartbreak, the devil is DEFEATED! He has no power!

As I cry, God will be praised! As my heart breaks, I will rejoice! As I feel this void, I will replace it with His Word! He will give me the comfort I need. I never run a race alone because He is always with me! So if you are reading this, stand and agree with me! Pray with me! God will get the Glory!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

6 wonderful years!

On this day, 6 years ago, I was in a traumatic life-changing accident. I scared a lot of people including myself. That was the day that God changed my life for the better. He gave me new fashion accessories which include a wonderful purple power wheelchair. Some may see my chair and see me limited but in my eyes, God has given me life and he's given it to me more abundantly! These past years have been so blessed with me meeting Forever Friends, a wonderful God sent ministry Living Bread Ministries, closer bonds with people I had already in my life, and has taking away people who used and abused me. I want to thank God on today for allowing me to see an extra 6 years of my life after such a traumatic day. When all you can do is live, you do it to the fullest! So I want to encourage whoever is reading this and let them know that life might throw you into a world Wind but there's nothing that God can see you through! Don't worry about things you can't change or worry about things you can't do, focus on your life and how meaningful it is to you! My God would never put things on me that I can't handle, and from day one 6 years ago I knew God had a purpose for saving me from death and allow me to live just to say these words and to lift him up in all the glory! For all the non-believers who are reading this, I challenge you to try Christianity! Allowed Jesus Christ into your heart and you will see life and you will see it more abundantly!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Quote of the day

"Don't let anyone lie to you, your life has a purpose!
All you have to do is search for it and you will find it!"
-Christian Rountree(me)

Before  my accident, back in 2010, I can truly say I didn't know my purpose. I knew I was going to school to be a teacher but deep down I felt that my life was just mediocre. I thought life was about having fun with friends, partying every weekend and during the week. At that time, my life had no meaning. It wasn't until my car accident on February 13, 2010, when I began to realize that life was more than friends and parties. Being a follower of Jesus Christ, I knew that God  saved that day for a reason. My purpose in life was much greater than just being a teacher. My purpose in life is to encourage others to keep going in life. Your situation is temporary because God has a plan to get you out of it and reveal to you your true purpose!

My purpose in life is to teach, encourage others, spread the Gospel, worship my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to do it all in Jesus Mighty Name because without Him, I would not be here. Yes, I may be in a wheelchair as of right now but that is all apart of God's Master Plan for me. Our situations might be completely different but we have to trust that God will deliver us out of the bad situation into a good one. So don't let anyone lie to you, your life has a purpose! Your current situation isn't were God is going to leave you. All you have to do is search for it and you will find it! Trust in God to reveal it to you!