
Saturday, February 13, 2016

6 wonderful years!

On this day, 6 years ago, I was in a traumatic life-changing accident. I scared a lot of people including myself. That was the day that God changed my life for the better. He gave me new fashion accessories which include a wonderful purple power wheelchair. Some may see my chair and see me limited but in my eyes, God has given me life and he's given it to me more abundantly! These past years have been so blessed with me meeting Forever Friends, a wonderful God sent ministry Living Bread Ministries, closer bonds with people I had already in my life, and has taking away people who used and abused me. I want to thank God on today for allowing me to see an extra 6 years of my life after such a traumatic day. When all you can do is live, you do it to the fullest! So I want to encourage whoever is reading this and let them know that life might throw you into a world Wind but there's nothing that God can see you through! Don't worry about things you can't change or worry about things you can't do, focus on your life and how meaningful it is to you! My God would never put things on me that I can't handle, and from day one 6 years ago I knew God had a purpose for saving me from death and allow me to live just to say these words and to lift him up in all the glory! For all the non-believers who are reading this, I challenge you to try Christianity! Allowed Jesus Christ into your heart and you will see life and you will see it more abundantly!