
Monday, January 4, 2016

Quote of the day

"Don't let anyone lie to you, your life has a purpose!
All you have to do is search for it and you will find it!"
-Christian Rountree(me)

Before  my accident, back in 2010, I can truly say I didn't know my purpose. I knew I was going to school to be a teacher but deep down I felt that my life was just mediocre. I thought life was about having fun with friends, partying every weekend and during the week. At that time, my life had no meaning. It wasn't until my car accident on February 13, 2010, when I began to realize that life was more than friends and parties. Being a follower of Jesus Christ, I knew that God  saved that day for a reason. My purpose in life was much greater than just being a teacher. My purpose in life is to encourage others to keep going in life. Your situation is temporary because God has a plan to get you out of it and reveal to you your true purpose!

My purpose in life is to teach, encourage others, spread the Gospel, worship my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to do it all in Jesus Mighty Name because without Him, I would not be here. Yes, I may be in a wheelchair as of right now but that is all apart of God's Master Plan for me. Our situations might be completely different but we have to trust that God will deliver us out of the bad situation into a good one. So don't let anyone lie to you, your life has a purpose! Your current situation isn't were God is going to leave you. All you have to do is search for it and you will find it! Trust in God to reveal it to you!