
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day Fifteen-July 30, 2013

Day 15

My day started off wonderfully. I got a phone call from Medi-Cal saying that they approved my standing frame. All my hard work, dedication, and time has paid off. I'm not sure when I'll be getting the standing frame but I do know that I'm getting one for sure. I never gave up on what I wanted. I'm always optimistic. I could've gave up when they denied my frame but I fought for what I wanted/needed and won. I was so excited when I got the phone with Medi-Cal. What I think my physical therapist for help me through the process.
The next part of my day was spent at my sister's house spending time with her lovely dog Lupe. Lupe loves her auntie Sissy. Chilling with me on my lap while we watched my mom using a Rototiller on my sister's yard. Getting it ready for grass. Some might say that manual work should be done by men but in my family the women do a better. To all you men who think that women shouldn't do manual work, need to get out of the 1950s income to the 21st-century. Anything a man can do, a woman can do it better.
Once we got home my day became very lazy. I ended my day watching movies on Netflix.
Once again I had a day with Beauty and the Beast stuck in my head. Song after song after song!
Until next time! 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day Fourteen -July 29, 2013

Day 14

Today I finally got my doctors appointment for my hip. The doctor ordered x-rays which will be done sometime this week. After my appointment I relaxed at home and watch TV all day. I've been keeping up my, but had a little slipups here and there. After 14 days of my blog I think I can do this everyday. It makes me reflect on my thoughts and my actions throughout the day.

Like I said in the earlier post, if you have any question about my life, all you need to do is leave a comment and I'll answer you. Any person with disabilities want to know anything, ask me anything, or even vent about anything feel free to e-mail me at . Hope to hear from you soon.
Until next time!

Day Thirteen-July 28, 2013

Day 13

so my day starts off really late. I was so tired from the night before. I went to church came home and had the longest nap. I've been watching the series True Blood. I started watching it the fourth season. So I've been catching up starting with season one. That's what I did for the rest of night. It was a lazy day

Until Next Time!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day twelve-July 27, 2013

Day 12

so my day starts at the wee early early morning at midnight on Friday.
Mom decided to straighten my hair and curl it. It took forever. I get to bed till 7 AM. I ended up waking up later than I wanted to. Not thinking about the time I was running late. I had a 1:30 p.m. nail appointment that I had to push back to 2:00 PM. After spending two hours at the nail shop, I was running late to my aunt's 50th birthday party. Once I got the party I had a blast. At the end of the night I was supposed to go to another 50th birthday party. I felt so bad that I couldn't make it. My eyelids wouldn't allow me to stay up past 11 PM. I felt so bad I dreamed about the party and meet up with my second family. I guess my subconscious really felt guilty that I was able to make it.
Until next time!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day Eleven-July 27, 2013

Day 11

Today was another relaxing day. I got up with songs from Beauty and the Beasts stuck in my head. Got up and my TB test checked. I do not have TB everyone. After that came home and watched movies with my sister. She wasn't feeling well at work so she wants to the doctor. To me funny I told her I was not worried about her health but the health of my unborn niece or nephew (I'm hoping for nephew FYI). She turned out to be okay and the same for the baby. After getting to relax while watching movies I fell asleep. Woke up at 10 o'clock five hours later. The good thing was my mom have food ready for me. Today she made spaghetti. I had bad experiences with spaghetti sauce so all I eat is the pasta with melted cheese. So I have 'getti-N-cheese instead of traditional spaghetti and sauce mixed with ground beef. My mom is an amazing cook. After I went on Facebook to do my social media for the day. I keep coming across a lot of pictures that has Trayvon Martin versus other incidents with Caucasian American/white victims and African-American/black perpetrators. I believe the reason Why Trayvon Martin's was so public was Zimmerman was told not to engage Trayvon and he did it anyway And Killed Trayvon. Zimmerman wanted to be Batman and he thought it was doing the right thing but he wasn't. With the incidents with the Caucasian American/white victims they were killed by African-Americans/black thugs and criminals. I believe the reason why those incidents were not public because justice was served. Someone was killed and someone is in jail for it. Trayvon Martin did not get justice. Zimmerman was set free for killing a 17-year-old. That's my opinion.

I was a day behind on my blogs as you see I am now all caught up.
Until next time!

Day Ten-July 26, 2013

Day 10

my day was another lazy day. I didn't do too much. Caught up on my TV shows and watched movies. It was pretty chill-laxed. I finally watched Oz the Great and Powerful. It was a good movie. It explains a lot that was in the Wizard of Oz. I was just waiting to see the Ruby slippers. Today I was kind of bummed that one of my favorite shows is done for the season. Push girls is one of my favorite shows. It's on the Sundance Channel. I love the friendship.

So I decided to answer a few of my viewer questions

From day one

Q: what did the judge rule on?
A: Medi-Cal denied me a standing frame and I appealed the denial and the judge is to determine if the standing frame is medically necessary and if I should get the standing frame or not. I still do not have an answer.
Me standing in a standing frame

From day two

Q: describe a standing frame.
A: A standing frame is a piece of durable medical equipment that allows a disabled person that cannot stand on their own. I start anything position and is cranked up to a standing position here is a picture.

From day four

Q: what city do you have therapy in?
A: I go to therapy at Solano sports physical therapy in Vacaville California. It's one of the best places I have had the pleasure to work out at.

From day five

Q: have you ever thought about going back to school? Either in person or online?
A: I have decided to go back to school in August of this year, 2013. I'll be attending University of Phoenix and Sacramento. I'll be finishing my studies in getting a bachelor of science and Liberal studies. I plan on teaching in the same school district I graduated From Vallejo City Unified School District.

From day six

Q: did you like the new Walmart neighborhood market in Vallejo?
A: no I do not. They seemed a bit under stocked and understaffed

From day nine

Q: how often do you go to therapy?
A: I go once or twice a week
Q: what is your favorite thing to do at therapy and you're worse thing?
A: my favorite things to do is called a quadruped. I get on my hands and knees and engage my core stay at. The exercise I dislike the most are China balls also called panda balls. I have to use my hands to rotate to balls in a circle. I HATE this exercise. I rarely hate things but I HATE those China balls.
Q: are you trying out anything else for your condition?
A: I have not tried anything other than physical therapy which includes water therapy and traditional physical therapy, but I want to try acupuncture. I heard good things from trying Chinese medicine.
Q: what sort of work outs you had during therapy? Are they painful?
A: I do a lot of arm work. Biceps, triceps, shoulder work, arm bike. I also do for various core engaging exercises. The exercises do not hurt but I feel the burn.

Thank you for your questions and they are always welcome. Keep reading!
Until next time!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day Nine-July 24, 2013

Day 9

After waking up draining and starting my day I felt sleepy and it ended up taking a nap. When I finally got up and out of bed I have to go to a doctor's appointment and get a TB test. I do not recommend getting a TB test. I HATE NEEDLES. I hate shots, IV lines, PIC lines and even the small butterfly needle they used to draw blood. Anything and everything to do with needles. I'm still surprised I got a tattoo. It's a different type of needle but it's still a needle.And of course after I get the TB shot, my sister had to laugh at me for being such a wimp. After the doctors appointment I went to therapy but my hip was bothering me to the point where I couldn't go full out. I only did half my workout. I just hope it's fixable. After therapy came home to the movie Aladdin. I love having a three year old at the house. It makes me feel young. It brings back my childhood. After Aladdin we watched Beauty and the Beast. It's sad that I know the whole movie. Reciting the lines and sing the songs. My goal as an adult is to get every Disney movie on DVD. I don't have Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast yet. So if you don't know I've been on a dating site. I feel that meeting someone at a store, restaurant or bar is not very likely. I also feel that when people see me out they are afraid of my chair. So I am on a dating site and I'm getting a lot of attention. I've physically met a couple people but still waiting for my Mr. Right. I said to many friends don't go looking for the one, because the right one will find you. And I also said don't look for a man because when you go looking you'll find the wrong one. So with that said I'm on this dating site not to go looking for Mr. Right, but I'm waiting for him to find me. So at the end of the night my mom came home and being a good mom that she is she washed my hair. IT FELT AMAZING! I love it when she scratches my scalp with her long fingernails.

I love reading your comments. Spread the news about my blog share it on Facebook, Twitter, any other social media out there. Love you guys!
Until next time.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day Eight-July 23, 2013

Day 8

after a well rested sleep I woke up and decided change websites for my blog. after yesterday's festivities for my nieces birthday I was a little ashamed. I started my diet eight days ago and I hadn't stuck by it. Pizza, bread sticks, and cake through off my diet complete but living with my mother doesn't help either. She is one of the best cooks I've ever had.  from her homemade "chimichanga" to her rice and pasta Tuesdays I would never lose any weight. But I could say no but then again her food is too good to refuse. I have to remember that being over 160 pounds is not good for me. I have to stay strong and say no the temptation. I can cheat once a week but four days straight needs to stop. So mom if you're reading this I cannot I repeat CANNOT give into your temptation of amazing food. Until next time.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day Seven-July 22, 2013

Day 7

my day started off a little painful, so I made appointment with my doctor for my hip. My sister tried to downplay my pain but after she stretched me out she knew it was a lot worse. I got up out of bed and headed straight to my older sister’s house. After waiting a few hours for her to come home we had an amazing day. It was my oldest niece’s 13th birthday. 13 years ago she was this tiny little blessing. Now she’s a teenager. I feel so old. She’s grown up too fast for me. A day at my older sister’s house is never dull. You have kids playing, adults talking, and a dog that just wants to be rubbed. This dog is the most well behaved Bluenose pitbull I’ve ever seen. All she wants you to do is rub and play with her. The only thing that was hard for me this day was I couldn’t go upstairs and play with my nieces and nephews. Sometimes I wish my wheelchair could fly. Sometimes I wish I can make my own plate. It really annoys me when I have to listen to someone trying to dictate or suggest what I should do or eat. Sometimes I wish I could go one day without someone saying “you should” or “why do you”. It gets old having someone treat you like a child.
As you read these blogs don’t be afraid to comment. Comments are welcome. But no put-downs. Constructive criticism only.
Until next time.

Day Six-July 21, 2013

Day 6

Today started off wonderful. I woke up with my mind set on Jesus. Woke up ready for Sunday school was a little late but got an amazing message. We had a wonderful treat from a guest speaker her testimony alone made me want to get even closer to God. Last night I decided to read the Bible in 90 days. Once be more familiar with what happened in the beginning so I can help other church members gain knowledge on the first portion of God’s word. Started from Genesis 1 through 16. I read one through 16 and went on to the next day’s readings. I want to start a group at church to give knowledge to those who do not know. And to be the leader of that group I have to know what I’m talking about. I just want God to work through me to get to someone else. God to use me as a vessel to do his works. After church I came home and studied the inside of my eyelids two whole hours. Got up from my nap went to Walmart’s new store in Vallejo. Seen a few church members while shopping. I got home and watched my family members put away the groceries. Had fun conversations had a wonderful time today. I’m looking forward to tomorrow when I see my big sister and my wonderful nieces and nephews. Until next time

Day Five-July 20, 2013

Day 5

my day started off like it always does very lazy. I did not want to get up at all. But I was having company. After sleeping all day my company came over we had a ball. We watched movies and had a wonderful conversation. That was my day. It was amazing. Short and sweet. Until next time

Day Four-July 19, 2013

Day 4

the beginning of the day I was a little sleepy. While doing my bowel program I decided to get rest instead of staying up. So I took a nap before therapy when we decided to leave the house we’re in bumper to bumper Friday traffic. It took us 58 min. to go less than 30 miles. Had a wonderful time there I got to stand again but was cut short due to being late. When I got home decided to take a nap like I do after every therapy session. When I woke up I wanted to clean this basket that I put everything in papers, documents, shirts, hair ties, candy, keys and etc. it only takes a month to fill the basket it takes me at least six months to clean it out. So the day was all in all productive for the most part. Until next time.

Day Three- July 18, 2013

Day 3

I woke up on time and then after doing what I needed to do, I went back to sleep from 11 AM to 4 PM. Needless to say today was one of my laziest days. After waking up I got a phone call from one of my good friends. She came over and we talked for hours. I had a blast. After she left I continued my laziness and got on Facebook. I found a new talk show that I liked. The Kris Jenner show. So that was my day. Until the next time

Day Two-July 17, 2013

Day 2

today started off a little busy. I’ve got a lot of things done. Had a surprise visit from one of my favorite cousins. We had a good time catching up while she was working. And then one of my favorite aunt came by. After watching television with my sister, cousin and aunt, I had to go to therapy which was amazing. I used a standing frame for 30 min. without getting dizzy. I can’t wait to get my own standing frame to do that everyday. Looking someone in the eye is the most amazing feeling after having to look up at them for the past two years. I felt so tall and I loved it.
 Until next time

Day One-July 16, 2013

so on this very day i decide i will start a blog to reflect on my daily life. it is for me and no one else so it if do like i really don’t care. my grammar will  be horrible (sorry Patrica) but that is how i am!

Day 1

it started off good today. feels good when you prove people wrong. hopefully the judge rules in my favor. after that the day was relaxing nothing to do but to examine the inside of my eye lids *which i do a lot of. my mom is making her rice so i know i will eat good on my last day of junk/not healthy food. i have to start to lost the pounds even though the pounds will only comes off at the place i don’t need the weight loss but losing weight is what is it… losing weight. until next time