
Friday, June 15, 2018

Day 5- Not a false alarm 6/13/18

So remember I said I was going to talk autonomic dysreflexia, well the day is today. I got dysreflexic. Meaning I was getting signs of autonomic dysreflexia. The sign starts with chills, Goosebumps, and a headache. When the headache starts it's all downhill from there. I get a fever and with me I get low blood pressure when quadriplegics get high blood pressure. Similar symptoms of preeclampsia in pregnant people. Anatomic dysreflexia can lead to Strokes, seizures, and even death. I had a few friends who passed away from this condition. It's no fun. Reason why we get dysreflexia is because of our level of injury. Our brain gets pain signals from the body and the brain tries to send pain signals back to identify where the pain is coming from but our spinal injury causes our brain to keep those signals and our body develops series of symptoms. So it's a guessing game on what is going on if you have no sensation. It could be a ingrown toenail, a full bladder or bowel, a burn or scrape, your socks might be too tight or a bladder infection , or any other infection for that matter. The list can go on and on and on.

Fast forward to today. Yesterday I said I had a false alarm, well today there was no false alarm. I got goosebumps, chills, and a headache telling me I need to poop. I couldn't wait until the afternoon when my second caregiver comes to relieve me of my number two. So instead of just getting dressed and going to therapy, I had to cancel therapy and start my bowel program. Thank God I didn't have an accident in bed. I knew I was full of crap that needs to come out.

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